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OK so maybe it’s just me and maybe it’s because I did not grow up knowing the significance behind spraying white foam on cars but surely there has got to be a better way to celebrate such a proud day in Kuwait’s history than this. Than spending 4 days doing the same thing blocking roads, spraying cars, and leaving the country in such a state (trash and little everywhere). In my opinion the above in nothing to be proud of. And this is AFTER they had cleaned up. Surely there has to be a more progressive, productive way of celebrating something over 4 days… maybe it just needs to be better managed, then again, maybe I’m missing something. If I am, could someone please educate me?

these poor souls are going nowhere slowly!! This country should really start investing in emergency lanes… ESPECIALLY on the Gulf road.

and the winner is… the guy with the yellow cat on his roof.

this would be my car…

Right, now this is a really big lesson for all you peeps out there who have no idea what this is. If you live in Kuwait and this is your first liberation weekend this is a MUST read. If you live outside the country then this will be an interesting read for you and you probably won’t quite believe what goes on here. Ok so if you’re interested in the history behind liberation day and national day then click here:

Right now for what happens over the weekend. Well, all the locals head to the streets in their cars and drive around. Sounds pretty boring right? WRONG – the also line the streets and spray white foam over all the cars that go past. and heaven help you if you forget to lock your doors because they will open the door and spray the inside of your car as well! In addition to this they also dress their cars up and themselves in all sorts of patriotic Kuwaiti colors and attire. It’s gets pretty interesting and yes it is festive but just make sure that you’re home at about 3:30 in the afternoon otherwise you’ll be stuck in traffic gridlock on the main roads and by the time you eventually get home your pretty silver car will be foamy white.

I took this photo driving home from work last night.

Keep an eye out over the next couple of days I’ll be taking lots of pics to keep you entertained. Oh, and my dad is visiting too – ha ha ha, he’s going to wonder what the hell kind of country I’m living in!!

something to add?

If you would like to add something interesting to this pretty point of view, email LA
June 2024

Photos here and there