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Hopefully the make-up addicted women in Kuwait won’t pick up this trend

Now I’m not saying that ALL women in Kuwait are addicted to make-up, but there are a number of people out there who are, you know who you are 🙂

It seems that v-magazine are shining a light on the model industry and paying tribute to more plus size models. Giving them a voice and a few pages of their own in their.

I’m not completely convinced about the styling of the women. They should put them in outfits that I believe best suit their figures, just as you would a slimmer model. You wouldn’t put slim women in plus size clothing and I think perhaps they should have avoided putting a plus size woman in a swim suit that was designed for a size 2 or less. The models to look really beautiful though and I’m glad someone’s doing something like this. I wonder if it’s just a once off thing or if it’s something that could actually have a place in the fashion industry.

But hats off to them for making a stand. Although to be completely honest with you I still don’t think the “average” size woman is being considered. We either have plus size and curvy or super skinny and unattainable. Who is representing the average woman? Just food for thought really.

Check out V-magazine and decide for yourself.

something to add?

If you would like to add something interesting to this pretty point of view, email LA
June 2024

Photos here and there