You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 26, 2010.

I was working on a shoot today and I will be doing so for the next 4 days. I enjoy shoots. I love working with great photographers and organized producers. And I enjoy working with models who simply work.

BUT… you will always come across the type of model who think they’re better looking than what they really are and this filters down into everything you try to direct them to do.

FOR EXAMPLE… I’m on the shoot today and there’s this model… All I need her to do is simply put her finger on a phone in a “push button” kind of pose… one would think this is pretty simple and basic enough for any monkey to get right… but NOOOOOO… “it’s not comfortable” I hear coming out of her mouth… oh and then the funniest thing happened, a fly flew into her and she said “ouch” ha ha ha I mean really now, “ouch” from a fly!! Sweetie, I don’t care whether it’s comfortable for you or not. I direct, you keep quiet and smile and we get the shot done and we all get to go home smiling… A model with an opinion who tries to direct the art directors and photographer will not be called back for another shoot in a hurry. There’s a tip for all you aspiring models out there. You’re paid to look pretty, which is a great compliment. So look pretty and leave it at that.

Thank you and good night!

something to add?

If you would like to add something interesting to this pretty point of view, email LA
March 2010

Photos here and there