All right fine so I’m pregnant in Kuwait. It’s our first baby and we’re miles and miles away from friends and family. We are not from a culture where we have 3 nannies and 2 house keepers to run after the baby for us. We’re from a culture where you pretty much do everything yourself and if you’re lucky you can have a part-time house keeper to help you clean the house while mom looks after baby and works on the side. So usually with friends and family by your side this is very much doable as you have plenty of help and advice on hand and granny lives down the street so if you want an afternoon “off” you can drop your little peach-pie off with her and have yourself a little “me time”.

Doing this for the first time so far away from your comfort zone, in a foreign country, is going to be a little challenging. And yes a bit scary too. I know, I know… a lot of people here do it so if they can do it so can I… right?

Just to update you all… I am 11 weeks along now. Little monkey will make his or her great arrival in mid October. October babies ROCK!! So far I’ve had slight nausea (but no vomiting thank goodness), dizzy spells that come and go… oh and before, where i could easily slip in 7 cups of tea into my daily routine I can’t even stomach one. Oh, and chocolate milk is my new best friend. Pretty easy-going so far touch wood.

Oh, and my mom passed away 8 months ago so if there are any moms out there who can offer up good advice, I’m all ears.

This is what the little guy/girl looks like at 11 weeks…